It is the dream of almost every student to get his or her journal published. The number of publications indicates the level of interest of a student in his field. Also, the number of publications are the ones that reflect the level of interest of the student in making new discoveries in his or her field. Thereby, it is important that the dissertation be published in a well-known journal. This will also help in developing a good research based resume that can be fruitful in the future. One of the main facts that need to be mentioned here is that there are many facts that needed to be seen by the research students as they decide to get their dissertations published in the journals. 

It is to be known that the students need to be in touch with the supervisor even after the completion of the thesis. The process of the publication of the dissertation in the journal starts from here. The thesis has been compiled which means that more than 60% of the work of the journal publication has been accomplished. Still there is much work that needs to be done. The tasks that need to be done need to be enlisted first. Secondly, the supervisor usually have the membership of more than one journal. The scientific journals have a rule to publish the article only when they have a membership. The advantage of membership can only be given by the supervisor. Thirdly, the supervisors are aware of the requirements of publishing the dissertation in the required journal. So, the student must contact the supervisor for learning about the main requirements.

There is a list of psychology journals in which the psychology journal can be published.

1. Addictive Behaviors

2. Aggression and Violent Behavior

3. Behavior Therapy

4. Behaviour Research and Therapy

5. Behavioural Brain Research

6. Behavioural Processes

7. Biological Psychology

8. Body Image

9. Burnout Research

10. Clinical Psychology Review

11. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice

12. Current Opinion in Psychology

13. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

14. Eating Behaviors

15. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

16. International Journal of Psycho physiology

17. Journal of Anxiety Disorders

18. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry

19. Journal of Consumer Psychology

20. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

21. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

22. Journal of Economic Psychology

23. Journal of Environmental Psychology

24. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders

25. Mental Health and Physical Activity

26. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

27. Parapsychologist

28. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

29. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour

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